Glade - 7/6/2024

Harriet Flynn Reporting:

We had the cutest caving trip this past Saturday! Harriet, Sam, Erich, and Wendy joined forces and took four 6/7 year olds into Glade. The full group was Sam & Erich plus their two children, Wendy & Jonathan and their child, and then Harriet & Chris and their niece. 

We started off getting on all the layers in the field in the very hot sun and then as quickly as we could tried to get to the cave and into the cool air. Once inside we went over some basic cave rules and all looked at the map. Next we headed to the front part of the cave and did a crawl loop, explored a few areas, and took some photos. All the kids did an amazing job keeping their voices low, using three points of contact, and waiting their turn. After some exploring Harriet and one of the children did the crawl loop in total darkness!

Since everyone was doing so well in the cave we decided that we could handle going further towards the back of the cave. We all headed down to the next section where everyone had to use a handline to get down about 8-10 feet. We did a loop and then went up another rope and headed back towards the exit. It was a lot of climbing and movement but everyone did a fantastic job listening to directions and taking their time to be safe and not slip. We then headed out of the cave and celebrated a great trip with some Smilies ice cream!


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